On Mission!

Get your life and work back on track

Transitions can be amazingly satisfying or remarkably murky to navigate. As we build our coaching practice, my wife and I oscillate through a range of experiences and emotions.

On Mission!

There are times we feel like soaring eagles… with beautiful vistas as far as the eye can see. Our calendars are comfortably full with client engagements. The challenge comes during the in-between periods when there is a lull in our work. If not checked, these depressed moments can easily unravel our plans.

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Chance encounters?

Connecting is a choice!

In our ‘rush’ to live, an effort to pause and reflect goes out of the window. In our breathless existence, we often miss out on our essence of being human.

Connection is a choice

I did not feel like being anywhere near my bike that day. My legs felt stiff and a lethargic haze hang over me. Then, a small voice, from deep within said, “Just go, even if for a short ride. You will still chip away at your weekly goal.”

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Towards re-kindling moral courage

Getting back on track in a broken world

A deaf heart has invaded us. This deafness so numbing that we can hear each other no more. Its cold grip blurs right from wrong that it becomes difficult to differentiate one from the other.

Re-kindle moral courage

Where common sense comes along with an aura of shame. A shame that has become a roadblock for us to stop, listen to and understand each other.

There was a season where our moral compass remained strong and steady guiding us to our destination. Now we rely on compromised moral GPS screaming of modernity but dead to the reality of humanity. Our world filled with hate, aching in pain and ravaged by disease.

Where did we go wrong? It has been overwhelmingly difficult to process all that is going on around me at the moment. The COVID-19 isolation and worldwide uproar of racial tension has pushed me into deep reflection.

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Let’s Talk #MentalHealth

Why would anyone in their right mind hurl themselves off a 17th Floor window?


His career path seemed promising, at least for those of us on the outside. His employer is a brand of global repute. I wonder what flashed through his mind as he hurtled to his death on a concrete ledge. Were there any regrets? A witness to this tragedy talked about hearing the man scream on his way down.

I can’t seem to shake this event off my mind. And as I think about it, a very scary scenario comes to play. What if this man is a representation of many of us? An example of me? What if I am just a trigger-pull away from similar catastrophe?

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Position, Possession and Procession

We learn best from our mistakes and failures. That is only if we take time to acknowledge, assess and move forward from them.

Position, Posession, Procession

Over the last 12 months, my light waned on many things. I struggled to write. I hated my life. I felt under immense pressure every way I turned. Business wasn’t doing great. The resulting stress was affecting the relationship with my wife, children and friends.

Every day felt like I was a living fraud. And this was killing me! Where did I go wrong? When did I lose the plot? It took a lot of courage to reflect on where my train got off the tracks. The answer was looking me at the face all this time. It had been chipping away at the back of my mind.

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Providing Hope For Everyday Living

One strong motivator for any human being is the desire to win. To seek a positive outcome at every opportunity. And hope is the optimistic attitude that drives this expectation.

Hope For Everyday Living

I walked by a boy who was munching away at a delicious doughnut topped with glossy chocolate goodness. I’d skipped breakfast that morning, and his doughnut only amplified my hunger. My next thought was to head back to the doughnut stand and get-me-a-doughnut. But then I spotted him throw his paper napkin into an adjacent flowerbed.

Immediately, I saw an opportunity to invest in the boy’s character. It was an opening to help this youngster and guide him towards taking more responsibility in life. My hope that he would turn out a responsible person was greater than my hunger.

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What Unique Value Can You Offer?

Drilling down to your unique value offering can be daunting. It may feel like we may close the door to other opportunities. Why? Delivering that unique offering requires a high level of dedication.

Unique Value You Offer

I was struggling with getting business leads for my coaching and consulting business. In frustration, I watched as my peers continued to grow their businesses day after day. It wasn’t that they had a head start or unfair advantage. We had more or less similar training and work experience. Yet I was struggling.

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Top 3 Reasons Why Your Story Matters

Stories are powerful catalysts to life

It’s amazing how stories have the power to revise the course of our lives. But why do stories captivate our minds, leave our hearts pounding and enchant euphoric emotions?

Our perceptions and actions are influenced by the stories we live. And even more profound and longer-lasting are the stories we chose to share.

It is because narratives that happen at a personal level influence my potential to lead. They are powerful catalysts to my ability to be the change that I want to see in others. Stories act as a diving board to a deeper meaning of my life or my launch pad to the greatness I am meant to live.

One of my annual goals is to keep my fitness and health in check. I even purchased a mountain bike. However, I kept on telling myself that I need to ease into basic fitness first before I could begin my riding program. Six months later, I hadn’t made any progress! All because I made excuses of lack of time to justify my laziness. These excuses became the story of my life.

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Top 3 Attitudes To Win At Leadership

Why leading isn’t as complicated as we think it is

There it was glowing in splendor. It was like gazing at a sailing ship riding from a starry, jet-black night sky!

Top 3 Attitudes To Win At Leadership

This was my first reaction when I saw the Burj Al Arab, a luxury hotel in Dubai. It’s sail-like silhouette was like nothing I had seen on any building before.

Access to the hotel was over a private, 280-meter long curving bridge. However, there is a dedicated helicopter transfer service if that’s your fancy.

Thinking back to my brief experience on the 27th Floor, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “What kept this hotel repeatedly voted the world’s most luxurious hotel?” I believe it was the action of the people who work in the background.

It made me think of how easy it is to miss out on leadership opportunities. The vanity of position, possessions or power can obscured our focus.

We cling to hierarchies because our place in a hierarchy is, rightly or wrongly, a major indicator of our social worth.” ~ Harold J. Leavitt

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