Feeling stuck? Get a Coach!

“I just can’t seem to reach my desired goal. And it is sucking the life out of me!” Has this been you in the recent past? Well, a coach is just who you need to help you out of the jam.

Feeling stuck? Get a Coach!

It makes sense to have someone else to help us navigate through difficult experiences or events. How many time do we resist any support, instead wasting time and other resources trying to solve it our way? I am not saying that we shouldn’t try,  but we can go further with the right support system working for us.

For a number of months, I struggled with what I thought was an anger management problem. I was routinely on edge, snappy and confrontational. The frustration of feeling stuck and lost at what to do next was unbearable.

Everything came to a head when a motorist cut me off as I rode my bicycle. What ensued was an angry face-off. My justification was that the motorist was illegally overtaking another vehicle at a junction. As much as he was on the wrong, my reaction was unwarranted. Needless to say, I should have  handled the confrontation in a better way. Two wrongs never a right made!

This event forced me into a deep inner reflection. I desperately needed some peace on the matter. After sharing my conflict with my wife, it occurred to me that my answer was right under my nose! I called my coach and immediately scheduled a session with him. He became my partner  in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspired me to dig deep.

Honestly, it is only I who can fully appreciate my personal and professional potential. But through his carefully crafted questions and lending a keen ear to what I had on my mind, he helped me to guide my own thoughts, conversation and desired action.

The irony is that I am a Certified Professional Coach. However, pain or overwhelm can blind even the best of us. And I needed help fast!

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
International Coach Federation​


My coaching session helped me to gain was sharp clarity on why I was angry all the time. My coach was patient with me. His questions were instrumental to unearth the real problem I was facing.

As we progressed through the session, I got a conviction that my anger was a symptom of a more serious need. For over a year, I struggled to find peace and chaos threatened to take over. I desperately needed peace in my relationships and a way forward with our struggling bushiness.


“What will this peace look like to you?” asked my coach. That caught me a little off-guard. I pondered for nearly a minute then began to scribble on my notepad. In less than a minute, I outlined the three main areas that troubled me. Did I say that I was thinking out aloud as I wrote them down?

My coach asked me to rate my performance in each area over the past year. Then he prompted me to think of how different I wanted the picture to look like. Immediately, I identified the habit I needed to change and new ones I needed to adopt to achieve my desired outcome. When I broke everything to weekly action points, I felt my stress begin to melt away. I can do this!


Throughout the session, my coach enabled me to remain ‘light’ on my feet. He kept on asking me questions that steered me back to my desired course. He provided me with the focus I needed to clarify my action, timeline and accountability.

I am now getting on with my planned action. The going isn’t all that smooth yet. However, the outcome of my coaching session was a renewed confidence in myself and how to get where I need to be. 

Coaching helps you take stock of where you are now in all aspects of your life, and how that compares to where you would like to be.” Elaine MacDonald

Coaching has provided me with the assurance that I can effectively deliver my promise. I believe a coach can also help you to move your agenda forward.

Q: Where are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your personal life or work? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Board Chair • Certified Coach • Strategy Advisor • Communication Specialist • Authentic Leadership • Speaker

My mission is to co-create a world of hope, connection and excellence through coaching, leadership, strategy and thoughtful communication. Partnering with motivated but overwhelmed individuals and teams, I help you to regain your purpose to lead your personal (life) or business brand so you can effectively focus on building your growth and legacy.

As a Certified Professional Coach, International Coaching Federation Member, Clarity4D Accredited Business Partner, Strategic Planning Consultant and Communication & Branding Specialist, I bring over 23 years of unique experience and competence that enriches your portfolio and growth.

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