A deaf heart has invaded us. This deafness so numbing that we can hear each other no more. Its cold grip blurs right from wrong that it becomes difficult to differentiate one from the other.

Where common sense comes along with an aura of shame. A shame that has become a roadblock for us to stop, listen to and understand each other.
There was a season where our moral compass remained strong and steady guiding us to our destination. Now we rely on compromised moral GPS screaming of modernity but dead to the reality of humanity. Our world filled with hate, aching in pain and ravaged by disease.
Where did we go wrong? It has been overwhelmingly difficult to process all that is going on around me at the moment. The COVID-19 isolation and worldwide uproar of racial tension has pushed me into deep reflection.
It has stoked memories I had tucked away in the deepest crevices of my sub-conscience. Incidences where I could not earn my rightful share based on the color of my skin. Being denied entry into a hotel in my own country just because I was not Italian enough. Feeling vulnerable after being welcomed into an isolation booth at Geneva Airport for a search. At the time, I the only black person in a sea of Caucasians and never saw the latter experience the same fate.
But what is this virus that has infected the heart and robbed us of our humanity? Who is this enemy that has infiltrated our very core and abandoned us like rubble in a desolate battlefield?
No matter how beautiful and well crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death.” ~African Proverb
My reflection on moral courage unveils seven enemies I must vanquish every day. It is easier to consider the positive things I can do. However, without an appreciation of what I am up against, it is impossible to chart the right path towards growing in moral courage.
Here are the seven enemies…
- A proud look – Do I consider myself higher than other people? This is the attitude that makes me overestimate myself and discount others.
- A lying tongue – Am I truthful at all times even when it is painful to do so?
- Hands that shed innocent blood – Do I cause unnecessary pain or discomfort to those around me?
- A heart that creates wicked plans – Do I bring others down? How do I respond when wronged? Do I naturally begin to plan a revenge mission?
- Feet that run swiftly to evil – Am I cutting corners or exposing myself to unnecessary ‘dangers’?
- False witness and half-truths – Do I stand by and do nothing even when I should speak out against something? Do I try to get away with unsubstantiated information for expedience’s sake?
- Spreads discord (rumors) – Is everything I communicate factual, true and real? It is very easy to get sucked into hear-say as it makes me look smart and in touch with current affairs.
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”
~ African Proverb
As I reflect on these enemies, it also exposes my biases. I need to turn down the volume of my intellectualism and tune in more to my emotions. To understand other people, I must listen to them first. My judgement should be preceded by empathy and genuine connection.
When I deal with these enemies, my moral courage quotient expands. I begin to embrace leadership opportunities with fervent empathy.
Over the last three months, every conversation has become a window to serve. I listen keenly. I boldly ask, “How can I be of help?” Not because I will be paid, but because it is right to help. The level of fulfillment is off the charts! My stress level has dropped significantly despite a drop in income precipitated by the COVID-19 epidemic.
What we need right now are a few people willing stand up even when no one is watching. People ready to re-kindle their moral courage and do what is right. This is a call that we must embrace if we are to save humanity from ourselves.
Q: Which enemies must you vanquish to regain your moral courage? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Great read Kimunya for our moral compass.
Thank you Faith! Stay safe…