The proving ground

Trudged the wilderness, measured by life

If only I had known! It is difficult to admit it. But this fleeting thought crosses my mind every so often.

The proving ground

Getting an idea off the ground is a daunting task. Especially a business idea. Starting something as you emerge from the dark is even harder. This is the summary of my last five years. All I had was an urge to help transform lives and a will to make it work. No money, no connections and ignorant of the market (there, I said it).

Only now is my hike through the wilderness beginning to make sense. Many initiatives have failed. But they have helped to refine my focus on what matters most. Where I sought perfection before stepping out, I now start scrappy with a small test-group to probe my hypothesis. Depending on the results, I shelve the idea or progress it to the next level. In both instances, I look out for lessons and quickly learn from them.

It’s the words shared at the top of the mountain that we end up remembering. It’s the courage you earn at the edge of a cliff that actually stays with you. It’s those hard lessons on top of pain that end up keeping you from the danger the next time.”

As I progress into the next season of growth, there are seven valuable attributes I take with me. They are beacons as I venture into a future framed by a resilient mindset. They will be the unmistakable light, even in the deepest darkness.

1. Character – Tough times don’t create character, they reveal your character. You can’t give what you don’t have. An empty tin makes the loudest noise. A mountain spring is a source of deep refreshment.

2. Take decisive action – What is the darkest chapter of your life? How did you feel? What did you desire? With brutal honesty, dig in deep inside yourself. If you can’t, find a coach who will objectively take you through your journey. Only then can you truly figure out what you need to do to get you to the next level.

3. Rise early – Don’t wait for the flashing light or a spectacular sunrise. Seek it instead! It is impossible to sleep in and expect to see the sun come up in the morning. Get up and get moving. Don’t wait for perfection. Just do it!

4. Be courageous – When cornered, how do you respond? Do you run, fight or resolve? Remember, being brave doesn’t mean you are strong. Often times, bravery is doing it scared but getting it done nonetheless.

5. Immerse yourself – Choose to be fully present in your work and relationships. Stay intentional in listening to other people. Do not just hear the words they are speaking, listen with your heart too. Remaining aware of their feelings and what’s around you communicates empathy.

6. Lean in – This is the power of yielding to your calling. Life isn’t perfect. But yielding doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you understand the season. Learn to adjust your sails to catch the wind your calling is directing you towards.

7. Identify your desert island – It is when one seeks their being that they discover their soul. This is an important discipline to learn and practice. Wine has never matured in the open field, but in the confines of a cellar! Choose silence. Hear the silence. Embrace the silence.

The last five years were fraught with fear of failure. They were overshadowed by the desire to get things going fast and depression when things fell apart. The next five years and beyond are inspired by these words from Vusi Thembikwayo: “The more difficult the problem you have to fix, the better you should stick in that industry.”

The next season is fleet-footed, characterized by quick pivots and ruthless focus on quality partnerships. Going forward, difficult problems spell endless possibility.

Q: How can I support you as you emerge from your own ‘wilderness’ into your next season of growth? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

Photo by Steve Wafula on Unsplash

Board Chair • Certified Coach • Strategy Advisor • Communication Specialist • Authentic Leadership • Speaker

My mission is to co-create a world of hope, connection and excellence through coaching, leadership, strategy and thoughtful communication. Partnering with motivated but overwhelmed individuals and teams, I help you to regain your purpose to lead your personal (life) or business brand so you can effectively focus on building your growth and legacy.

As a Certified Professional Coach, International Coaching Federation Member, Clarity4D Accredited Business Partner, Strategic Planning Consultant and Communication & Branding Specialist, I bring over 23 years of unique experience and competence that enriches your portfolio and growth.

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