Isn’t it amazing how complex our mindset is? We may not acknowledge or appreciate this, but unconsciously, we do what determines how we live, coexist or fight. How many times have you responded with “I am fine” even when you are struggling?
Habit dictates that you may have unconsciously completed the title above with “…Go!”. Why? Because this is what your mind has been conditioned to. From when you were a child, you remember getting on your knees, then into a ‘crouch’ position in readiness to burst out of the blocks.
Our ‘software’ (habit) was installed to expect and respond to the ‘Go!’. This is why the title could have disrupted your expectation. And to update that software, work is required to upgrade the operating system (mindset).
New beginnings are difficult. They are messy. Challenges are strewn all over the landscape. And many times we may just resolve to keep to the tried and tested ways that seem to have worked in the past. However, this will this help you to thrive? Will it propel you to your full potential?
These questions challenged me to be very particular about setting real goals for this year. These are not resolutions, they are very carefully structured to help me realize my mission.
1. Defined – I set aside some dedicated time and place to think of my goals for the year. It wasn’t anything fancy. I just decided on the four main annual goals I want to work on. These are grow my business, build my family relationships, work on improving my health/fitness and re-connect with friends/community.
Under each, I outlined very specific goals for each quarter, month and week. I can now evaluate myself regularly to see if I am just working hard or working smart. Working hard is about activity (being busy). Working smart is about achieving results and impacting people.
2. Designed – Setting the goals was the easy part. Left to me, I know that some of the more challenging goals will fall through the cracks. As much as I want to be responsible for my goals, I may find my willpower waning from time to time. For this reason, I have purposefully chosen to be held accountable for the goals I have set.
One accountability partner is my wife. Together, we went through our individual goals. This not only helped us to understand the lay of the land, we both know what our expectations are of each other. This will significantly increase our synergy and reduce on future conflict. I am also opened up to my dear friend who we meet every week on our goals. We hold each other accountable for what we have set out to do.
3. Desired – Goals help me to remain true to my calling, the core of my existence. As I focus on achieving my goals, I can be more authentic in my engagement with people. My existence is not about making the popular moves, it is choosing to what is right.
People are attracted to you because they have a knowledge that you have their best interest at heart. It doesn’t happen by accident, it is intentional. I want to have a community of people who I not only serve, but I also grow with.
Have a CAUSE to die for, not just a CLAUSE to live by.” ~Kimunya Mugo
Over time, common habit may have informed us to set new year resolutions. But is this the right way to guide your life? I want to challenge you to to look beyond your many activities that may give you an illusion of progress. Instead, focus on goal-setting that guides those critical ‘must-have’ activities that drive you towards your vision.
In my next blog post to you, I will share one amazing goal-oriented resource that has changed my life. My good friend Todd Nielsen put together the ‘Ultimate Success Planner’. This goal-oriented planner has transformed the way I work and live.
Are you in the chasm of resolutions or the cusp of goals? Click here and share your thoughts, wins or struggles with us.
photo credit: Nick J Webb via photopin cc
Ah yes, prioritize an upgrade to the operating system (mindset) over adjusting the software (habits). I’m onboard with that powerful process. Let’s goal. 🙂
Let’s Goal @sandraallenlovelace:disqus!
Kimunya, great thoughts and actionable items to kick start the day! thank you for the inspiration and guidance! Love it! keep it up coach K
Great to hear you found something that you can act on today @talshnall:disqus. To a great day and year too…
Good post with powerful advice. You’re right that setting goals is the easy part. It’s the execution that makes the difference.
Dan, I was very fortunate to work on my goals the second half of 2014. My good friend kept me accountable. I can say without a doubt that executing those goals was the game-changer for me. It was hard, but the fruit is so juicy!