It was a long written application process followed by an intense telephone interview. Before I could exhale, it was time to plunge into a fast-flowing river. There was a promise of breath-taking vistas, rapids and the possibility of my kayak capsizing.
But I still launched off. And what a rush it was! This was the Acumen Fellows Selection Program for 2015. Intense, nerve-wracking and phenomenal it was. All the participants had to prepare a one-minute elevator pitch. And to make sure that we completely understood the instructions, there was ’60 seconds’ added within brackets.
There I was ready to launch my pitch. Just to make sure that I wasn’t going to flounder, I had written it out and committed the main points to memory. Thirty seconds to my pitch, everything changed in my mind. It was not a conscious thought process. It is as if something took over my thinking. My pitch vaporized into a fine mist.
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